Residency 2014-15

Residency 2014-15
Home of the Best OB/GYN Residency Program in the Country

Sunday, February 27, 2011

The Merriam-Webster defines "Retreat" as a "period of group withdrawal for prayer, meditation, study or instruction under a director." This Friday, we will put that definition to the test.

We have arranged for all resident services to be covered this Friday, March 4, so that all residents can attend what we hope will be an annual event. (Big shout out to Dr. Peipert!) The residents will convene in beautiful Forest Park and have breakfast AND lunch provided. The goal of the day is to identify things we do well and what we can do to improve as a whole.

As Residency Program (and Associate) Directors, we care about continually striving to be the best. The Retreat is an important part of this process. For our residents, it's just a great day to hang out together with no clinical responsibilities.

As for my Oscar Prediction:
Should Win: The Social Network
Will Win: The King's Speech
Won't Watch: The King's Speech


Thursday, February 3, 2011

CREOGS are now in the rearview mirror (thanks Pearl Jam) and we have started our most recent module - Primary Care. This module will cover lectures that are not already covered in OB, GYN, REI and ONC. We have lectures that will cover Genetics, Geriatric Screening and ED Assault to name a few. Our goal is to cover ALL of ACOGs requirements in two years so that all residents will have the opportunity to hear them twice.

New to this module is our Cultural Competency Training which will supplement our Ethics lectures. This 10 lecture series will be required of all residencies and we are fortunate to be one of the first.