Residency 2014-15

Residency 2014-15
Home of the Best OB/GYN Residency Program in the Country

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

WashUOBGYN representing at Wimbledon

R4 Kylie Smith recently returned from an incredible trip at Wimbledon. My favorite part of these pictures is the prominent display of the Wash U jacket. Go Kylie!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Green Day!

Every month, the WashUOBGYN Program tackles the Green Journal in a fun and interactive format titled "Green Day!". Yesterday the session was broken down into three parts. In the first, R4 Brooke Winner gave a beautiful presentation on Adnexal Masses. This was based on the Clinical Expert Series that the Journal publishes. She has set the bar very high and I look forward to seeing her co-residents match the effort. The second session was an update on the Antibiotic Prophylaxis on L&D Practice Bulletin. I presented this and highlighted the changes from previous recommendations. These include GBS prophylaxis as well as Infective Endocarditis.

Finally, we concluded with Hollywood Squares. 9 upper levels residents made the "board" and were presented with questions. The residents (of course) knew the answers but had the opportunity to deceive the R1 and R2 teams. It was up to the R1 and R2s to "agree" or "disagree". Correct answers gave them the spot, incorrect answers gave it to the other team. After no team was able to get Tic-Tac-Toe, the winner was determined by the number of spots occupied on the board. The winning team? R1s (though the R2s put a valiant effort). The winning team can now enjoy some coffee at St. Louis Bread Company courtesy of Patti Sasse.

To recap the game show formats that we have used in the past:

Pro: Able to ask many questions
Con: Tough to work in teams

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire
Pro: More residents read (for fear of being "put on the spot") more than any other Green Day
Con: Only one sits in the chair and could be humiliated if ill prepared

Trivia Night:
Pro: Teamwork building
Con: Easy to devolve

Hollywood Squares
See above

It's just a matter of time before I perfect my Family Feud! Email me suggestions.